Showing posts with label welcome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label welcome. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2019

Welcome to the Cerulean Wombat Blog!

I’m glad you’re here, because that means at least one person is reading this. I hope it is a lot more than that, but hey, any day I can help even one person is a good day.

Why This Blog?

I’ve been writing for a while—not always as successfully as I’d like, but I’m getting there. I’ve learned a lot along the way. I’ve still got a way to go, but if I wait until I’m a world-renowned expert on writing, I may never get around to sharing what I’ve figured out so far.

Just as importantly, I can never get enough to read. The more authors we have out there, the more I get to enjoy their books. Some day I may be lucky enough to enjoy your book.

Most of all, my goal to encourage and inspire young writers. We’re often at our most creative as children and teens, so why not put that creativity to use? The sooner you start writing, the sooner you can share your stories with the world.

That’s what this blog is mainly about: encouraging young writers. It’s aimed at tweens and teens, but hopefully everyone will find something here useful.

What Will You Find Here?

I’m mainly going to focus on five things in this blog, all related to writing:

·         Tips and tricks on how to be a better writer
·         Reviews of books for tweens and teens that I think you’ll enjoy
·         Opportunities that are specifically for young writers
·         Writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing
·         Sharing pieces written by young authors to help amaze and inspire others

There might be some other stuff from time to time, but I’m hoping to hit all five of those points each week.

Why Cerulean Wombat?

Years ago, I decided that if I ever started a rock band, I’d call it Cerulean Wombat.

Why? I haven’t the faintest clue. I just like how it sounds.

But since I don’t see any rock bands in my immediate (or even distant) future, I decided to use it for a blog instead.

Why? I haven’t the faintest clue. I just like how it sounds. I hope you do, too.

Enjoy the blog.

C. Wombat