Showing posts with label young authors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label young authors. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2019

Writing Prompt 3 Winner

Writing Prompt 3 was:

Write a poem about Spring which does not include any of these words: warm, rain, flower, sun, grass.

Bonus challenge: also avoid using the word “the” or any word ending in -ly

Congratulations to Jenny S., age 12, of Bloomington, Indiana, for composing this very creative poem.

C'mon, Summer

A chill yet lingers in soil and air,
As yet unbanished despite solar rays
Washing across them.

Fragments of color
Erupt from muddy graves,
Winter's sleep dispelled.

Tiny buds form, unfurl, explode
Into vibrant green.

My eyelids glow pink
As I stare through them
At Apollo's chariot,
A silent promise that summer will arrive
But not soon enough for me.